Top 6 Things Shaolin Life did in 2017
Dec 29, 20172017 was quite a year and was full of incredible advancements in our school and with our art. This post recaps the eight significant developments of the year.
1. App Launch
At the end of 2016, we launched our Mobile App for Apple and Android phones. In 2017 we saw our users download and use the app, book classes, and get notifications about classes and events at the center. Our App has become a source for communication and bookings.
2. Shaolin Life Commercial
We were proud to now have an excellent commercial for our center. This video helps better express and market what we do at our center. Our students and teachers gave an impressive demonstration of the skills their building a Shaolin Life, and we thank everyone for their participation.
3. Major Website Updates
We have renovated our website making it easier to learn about us, book classes and buy merchandise. We also worked hard to make the site faster, more secure and mobile friendly. Prospective students can also book directly from our Facebook page or from searching for us on Google.
Book Classes From Google
4. Maui Qi Fest 2017
In June our parent organization Deep Root Center for Spiritual Studies put on the 3rd Annual Maui Qi Fest. 2017 was the first Qi Fest were we were the official sponsor and organizing body. It was a great success as we brought together Top Notch teachers giving lessons in Qigong, Kung Fu, Dance and Tai Chi. If you missed the Maui Qi Fest this year, sign up for 2018. Can’t come to Maui? We are also holding a Virtual Qi Fest in February.
Sign up Below!
5. Shaolin Life Store
Shaolin Life has been working hard to bring you new gear. We now had tee-shirts, hoodies, shoes, and uniforms you can purchase from our website. Represent what you do where ever you go. Jai Yo!!!
$50.00Select optionsSHAOLIN LIFE KIDS TEE – WHITE
$30.00 – $33.00Select options
6. Scholarships Fund Raiser
This year Shaolin Life gave four scholarships to deserving yet underserved local children. For the first time, we held a small fundraiser @ the Deep Root Center for Spiritual Studies 501c3 to help fund some of our scholarship program for tuition and uniforms. We not only met but exceeded our goal of $500 and raised $660. Special Thanks to all those that gave and shared our work
We were also blessed with a special grant from Mal Warwick Donordigital thanks to the hard work of our student and Shaolin Life Elder Jesse Kelsey for his work getting the grant. This grant allowed our program to do many of the things on this list and we are very thankful.
Our center is not for profit, and our teachers volunteer their time to share this art. If you value our offerings, you can donate at any time. All donations are tax deductible. Ask your employer about contribution matching programs.

(Bonus) Shaolin Temple China Trip
In September Master Sheldon took a pilgrimage to the Shaolin Temple and studied with Master Wunan Feng of the Wugulun Lineage. He and our sister school, The Village with Master Gus Gates, traveled to far Hunan in the city of Dengfeng visiting the famed Shaolin Temple, Chen Village, and the Loman Grottos. Master Sheldon has brought back deep and rare training methods and concepts he learned including ChanWuYi (Meditation, Martial Arts, Health, and Wellness) which galvanizes all that we do at Shaolin Life. Learn the profound skills we teach at Shaolin Life
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